本文是论文Graphcast: How to Get Things Done的翻译。
最近,Deepmind发布了一个新工具:Graphcast,这是一个用于更快更准确的全球天气预报的人工智能模型,试图让这个特定的巧克力包更美味、更高效。在谷歌的 TPU v4 机器上,使用 Graphcast,可以在不到一分钟内以 0.25 度空间分辨率获取预测结果。它解决了使用传统方法进行预测时可能面临的许多问题:
- 预测一次性生成所有坐标的预测值,
- 根据坐标编辑逻辑现在已经是多余的,
- 令人惊叹的效率和响应时间。
- 获取输入数据。
- 创建目标。
- 创建外部数据。
- 处理和格式化数据为合适的格式。
- 将它们汇总并进行预测。
Graphcast 表示,使用当前天气数据和 6 小时前的数据,可以预测未来 6 小时的情况。举例来说明:
- 如果需要预测的时间是:2024 年 01 月 01 日 18:00,
- 那么要提供的输入数据是:2024 年 01 月 01 日 12:00 和 2024 年 01 月 01 日 06:00。
重要的是要注意,2024 年 01 月 01 日 18:00 将是第一个预测的时间。Graphcast 还可以额外获取 10 天的数据,每个预测之间间隔 6 小时。因此,可以获取预测的其他时间戳为:
- 2024 年 01 月 02 日 00:00、06:00、12:00、18:00,
- 2024 年 01 月 03 日 00:00、06:00,以此类推,
- 直至 2024 年 01 月 10 日 06:00、12:00。
总结一下,可以使用两个时间戳的输入预测 40 个时间戳的数据。
- 输入时间戳:2024 年 01 月 01 日 6:00、12:00。
- 第一个预测时间戳:2024 年 01 月 01 日 18:00。
- 预测数量:4。
- 空间分辨率:1 度。
- 压力水平:13。
import cdsapi
import datetime
import functools
from graphcast import autoregressive, casting, checkpoint, data_utils as du, graphcast, normalization, rollout
import haiku as hk
import isodate
import jax
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pysolar.radiation import get_radiation_direct
from pysolar.solar import get_altitude
import pytz
import scipy
from typing import Dict
import xarray
client = cdsapi.Client() # Making a connection to CDS, to fetch data.
# The fields to be fetched from the single-level source.
singlelevelfields = [
# The fields to be fetched from the pressure-level source.
pressurelevelfields = [
# The 13 pressure levels.
pressure_levels = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 850, 925, 1000]
# Initializing other required constants.
pi = math.pi
gap = 6 # There is a gap of 6 hours between each graphcast prediction.
predictions_steps = 4 # Predicting for 4 timestamps.
watts_to_joules = 3600
first_prediction = datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 1, 18, 0) # Timestamp of the first prediction.
lat_range = range(-180, 181, 1) # Latitude range.
lon_range = range(0, 360, 1) # Longitude range.
# A utility function used for ease of coding.
# Converting the variable to a datetime object.
def toDatetime(dt) -> datetime.datetime:
if isinstance(dt, datetime.date) and isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
return dt
elif isinstance(dt, datetime.date) and not isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
return datetime.datetime.combine(dt, datetime.datetime.min.time())
elif isinstance(dt, str):
if 'T' in dt:
return isodate.parse_datetime(dt)
return datetime.datetime.combine(isodate.parse_date(dt), datetime.datetime.min.time())
- 他们睡眠的时间有多长?
- 他们的脸上有没有晒斑?
- 他们在清晨的会议中是否睡觉?
- 他们的净资产有多少?
同样地,Graphcast 也需要一些特定的输入,我们通过其 Python 库:cdsapi 从 CDS 获取这些输入。目前,数据发布者使用的是知识共享署名 4.0 许可证,这意味着只要给予原作者以适当的信用,任何人都可以复制、分发、传输和改编该作品。
然而,在使用 cdsapi 获取数据之前,需要进行身份验证,其步骤由 CDS 提供并且相当简单。
假设你现在已经通过了 CDS 的审核,输入可以通过以下步骤来创建:
- 获取单层值:这些值依赖于坐标和时间。其中一个需要的输入字段是 total_precipitation_6hr。顾名思义,它是从特定时间戳开始前 6 小时的降雨量累积。因此,我们不仅要获取两个输入时间戳的值,还需要获取从 2024 年 01 月 01 日 00:00 到 12:00 的时间戳的值。
- 获取压力层值:除了依赖于坐标,它们还取决于压力层。因此,在请求数据时,我们会提到我们需要数据的压力层。在这种情况下,我们只获取两个输入时间戳的值。
- 合并单层和压力值:在上述数据基础上进行基于时间、纬度和经度的内部合并操作。
- 整合年份和日期进度:除了单层和压力字段外,还需要向输入数据中添加四个字段:year_progress_sin、year_progress_cos、day_progress_sin 和 day_progress_cos。可以使用 graphcast 包提供的函数来完成这一步骤。
- 在从 CDS 获取数据后重命名列,因为 CDS 输出了天气变量的缩写形式。
- 将单层数据的geopotential重命名为geopotential_at_surface,因为压力层具有相同的字段名称。
- 在从 graphcast 获取进度值后,使用数学函数计算 sin 和 cos 值。
- 将纬度重命名为 lat、经度重命名为 lon,并引入另一个索引:batch,其值为 0。
# Getting the single and pressure level values.
def getSingleAndPressureValues():
'product_type': 'reanalysis',
'variable': singlelevelfields,
'grid': '1.0/1.0',
'year': [2024],
'month': [1],
'day': [1],
'time': ['00:00', '01:00', '02:00', '03:00', '04:00', '05:00', '06:00', '07:00', '08:00', '09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'],
'format': 'netcdf'
singlelevel = xarray.open_dataset('single-level.nc', engine = scipy.__name__).to_dataframe()
singlelevel = singlelevel.rename(columns = {col:singlelevelfields[ind] for ind, col in enumerate(singlelevel.columns.values.tolist())})
singlelevel = singlelevel.rename(columns = {'geopotential': 'geopotential_at_surface'})
# Calculating the sum of the last 6 hours of rainfall.
singlelevel = singlelevel.sort_index()
singlelevel['total_precipitation_6hr'] = singlelevel.groupby(level=[0, 1])['total_precipitation'].rolling(window = 6, min_periods = 1).sum().reset_index(level=[0, 1], drop=True)
'product_type': 'reanalysis',
'variable': pressurelevelfields,
'grid': '1.0/1.0',
'year': [2024],
'month': [1],
'day': [1],
'time': ['06:00', '12:00'],
'pressure_level': pressure_levels,
'format': 'netcdf'
pressurelevel = xarray.open_dataset('pressure-level.nc', engine = scipy.__name__).to_dataframe()
pressurelevel = pressurelevel.rename(columns = {col:pressurelevelfields[ind] for ind, col in enumerate(pressurelevel.columns.values.tolist())})
return singlelevel, pressurelevel
# Adding sin and cos of the year progress.
def addYearProgress(secs, data):
progress = du.get_year_progress(secs)
data['year_progress_sin'] = math.sin(2 * pi * progress)
data['year_progress_cos'] = math.cos(2 * pi * progress)
return data
# Adding sin and cos of the day progress.
def addDayProgress(secs, lon:str, data:pd.DataFrame):
lons = data.index.get_level_values(lon).unique()
progress:np.ndarray = du.get_day_progress(secs, np.array(lons))
prxlon = {lon:prog for lon, prog in list(zip(list(lons), progress.tolist()))}
data['day_progress_sin'] = data.index.get_level_values(lon).map(lambda x: math.sin(2 * pi * prxlon[x]))
data['day_progress_cos'] = data.index.get_level_values(lon).map(lambda x: math.cos(2 * pi * prxlon[x]))
return data
# Adding day and year progress.
def integrateProgress(data:pd.DataFrame):
for dt in data.index.get_level_values('time').unique():
seconds_since_epoch = toDatetime(dt).timestamp()
data = addYearProgress(seconds_since_epoch, data)
data = addDayProgress(seconds_since_epoch, 'longitude' if 'longitude' in data.index.names else 'lon', data)
return data
# Adding batch field and renaming some others.
def formatData(data:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
data = data.rename_axis(index = {'latitude': 'lat', 'longitude': 'lon'})
if 'batch' not in data.index.names:
data['batch'] = 0
data = data.set_index('batch', append = True)
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
values:Dict[str, xarray.Dataset] = {}
single, pressure = getSingleAndPressureValues()
values['inputs'] = pd.merge(pressure, single, left_index = True, right_index = True, how = 'inner')
values['inputs'] = integrateProgress(values['inputs'])
values['inputs'] = formatData(values['inputs'])
- u_component_of_wind,
- v_component_of_wind,
- geopotential,
- specific_humidity,
- temperature,
- vertical_velocity,
- 10m_u_component_of_wind,
- 10m_v_component_of_wind,
- 2m_temperature,
- mean_sea_level_pressure,
- total_precipitation.
# Includes the packages imported and constants assigned.
# The functions created for the inputs also go here.
predictionFields = [
# Creating an array full of nan values.
def nans(*args) -> list:
return np.full((args), np.nan)
# Adding or subtracting time.
def deltaTime(dt, **delta) -> datetime.datetime:
return dt + datetime.timedelta(**delta)
def getTargets(dt, data:pd.DataFrame):
# Creating an array consisting of unique values of each index.
lat, lon, levels, batch = sorted(data.index.get_level_values('lat').unique().tolist()), sorted(data.index.get_level_values('lon').unique().tolist()), sorted(data.index.get_level_values('level').unique().tolist()), data.index.get_level_values('batch').unique().tolist()
time = [deltaTime(dt, hours = days * gap) for days in range(4)]
# Creating an empty dataset using latitude, longitude, the pressure levels and each prediction timestamp.
target = xarray.Dataset({field: (['lat', 'lon', 'level', 'time'], nans(len(lat), len(lon), len(levels), len(time))) for field in predictionFields}, coords = {'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'level': levels, 'time': time, 'batch': batch})
return target.to_dataframe()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The code for creating inputs will be here.
values['targets'] = getTargets(first_prediction, values['inputs'])
- total_incident_solar_radiation,
- year_progress_sin,
- year_progress_cos,
- day_progress_sin,
- day_progress_cos.
# Includes the packages imported and constants assigned.
# The functions created for the inputs and targets also go here.
# Adding a timezone to datetime.datetime variables.
def addTimezone(dt, tz = pytz.UTC) -> datetime.datetime:
dt = toDatetime(dt)
if dt.tzinfo == None:
return pytz.UTC.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)
return dt.astimezone(tz)
# Getting the solar radiation value wrt longitude, latitude and timestamp.
def getSolarRadiation(longitude, latitude, dt):
altitude_degrees = get_altitude(latitude, longitude, addTimezone(dt))
solar_radiation = get_radiation_direct(dt, altitude_degrees) if altitude_degrees > 0 else 0
return solar_radiation * watts_to_joules
# Calculating the solar radiation values for timestamps to be predicted.
def integrateSolarRadiation(data:pd.DataFrame):
dates = list(data.index.get_level_values('time').unique())
coords = [[lat, lon] for lat in lat_range for lon in lon_range]
values = []
# For each data, getting the solar radiation value at a particular coordinate.
for dt in dates:
values.extend(list(map(lambda coord:{'time': dt, 'lon': coord[1], 'lat': coord[0], 'toa_incident_solar_radiation': getSolarRadiation(coord[1], coord[0], dt)}, coords)))
# Setting indices.
values = pd.DataFrame(values).set_index(keys = ['lat', 'lon', 'time'])
# The forcings dataset will now contain the solar radiation values.
return pd.merge(data, values, left_index = True, right_index = True, how = 'inner')
def getForcings(data:pd.DataFrame):
# Since forcings data does not contain batch as an index, it is dropped.
# So are all the columns, since forcings data only has 5, which will be created.
forcingdf = data.reset_index(level = 'level', drop = True).drop(labels = predictionFields, axis = 1)
# Keeping only the unique indices.
forcingdf = pd.DataFrame(index = forcingdf.index.drop_duplicates(keep = 'first'))
# Adding the sin and cos of day and year progress.
# Functions are included in the creation of inputs data section.
forcingdf = integrateProgress(forcingdf)
# Integrating the solar radiation values.
forcingdf = integrateSolarRadiation(forcingdf)
return forcingdf
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The code for creating inputs and targets will be here.
values['forcings'] = getForcings(values['targets'])
- 坐标,即索引:纬度、经度、时间等等;以及
- 数据变量,即列:陆海掩模、地势高度等等。
- 数据变量包含的每个值都有特定的坐标与之对应。
- 陆海掩模仅依赖于纬度和经度,这些是它的坐标。
- 地势高度的坐标包括批次、纬度、经度、时间和压力水平。
- 在鲜明对比的情况下,但却具有合理性,geopotential_at_surface的坐标是纬度和经度。
# Includes the packages imported and constants assigned.
# The functions created for the inputs, targets and forcings also go here.
# A dictionary created, containing each coordinate a data variable requires.
class AssignCoordinates:
coordinates = {
'2m_temperature': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'],
'mean_sea_level_pressure': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'],
'10m_v_component_of_wind': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'],
'10m_u_component_of_wind': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'],
'total_precipitation_6hr': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'],
'temperature': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'level', 'time'],
'geopotential': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'level', 'time'],
'u_component_of_wind': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'level', 'time'],
'v_component_of_wind': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'level', 'time'],
'vertical_velocity': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'level', 'time'],
'specific_humidity': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'level', 'time'],
'toa_incident_solar_radiation': ['batch', 'lon', 'lat', 'time'],
'year_progress_cos': ['batch', 'time'],
'year_progress_sin': ['batch', 'time'],
'day_progress_cos': ['batch', 'lon', 'time'],
'day_progress_sin': ['batch', 'lon', 'time'],
'geopotential_at_surface': ['lon', 'lat'],
'land_sea_mask': ['lon', 'lat'],
def modifyCoordinates(data:xarray.Dataset):
# Parsing through each data variable and removing unneeded indices.
for var in list(data.data_vars):
varArray:xarray.DataArray = data[var]
nonIndices = list(set(list(varArray.coords)).difference(set(AssignCoordinates.coordinates[var])))
data[var] = varArray.isel(**{coord: 0 for coord in nonIndices})
data = data.drop_vars('batch')
return data
def makeXarray(data:pd.DataFrame) -> xarray.Dataset:
# Converting to xarray.
data = data.to_xarray()
data = modifyCoordinates(data)
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The code for creating inputs, targets and forcings will be here.
values = {value:makeXarray(values[value]) for value in values}
- stats/diffs_stddev_by_level.nc,
- stats/stddev_by_level.nc,
- stats/mean_by_level.nc和
- params/GraphCast_small — ERA5 1979–2015 — resolution 1.0 — pressure levels 13 — mesh 2to5 — precipitation input and output.npz。
├── prediction.py
├── model
├── params
├── GraphCast_small - ERA5 1979-2015 - resolution 1.0 - pressure levels 13 - mesh 2to5 - precipitation input and output.npz
├── stats
├── diffs_stddev_by_level.nc
├── mean_by_level.nc
├── stddev_by_level.nc
# Includes the packages imported and constants assigned.
# The functions created for the inputs, targets and forcings also go here.
with open(r'model/params/GraphCast_small - ERA5 1979-2015 - resolution 1.0 - pressure levels 13 - mesh 2to5 - precipitation input and output.npz', 'rb') as model:
ckpt = checkpoint.load(model, graphcast.CheckPoint)
params = ckpt.params
state = {}
model_config = ckpt.model_config
task_config = ckpt.task_config
with open(r'model/stats/diffs_stddev_by_level.nc', 'rb') as f:
diffs_stddev_by_level = xarray.load_dataset(f).compute()
with open(r'model/stats/mean_by_level.nc', 'rb') as f:
mean_by_level = xarray.load_dataset(f).compute()
with open(r'model/stats/stddev_by_level.nc', 'rb') as f:
stddev_by_level = xarray.load_dataset(f).compute()
def construct_wrapped_graphcast(model_config:graphcast.ModelConfig, task_config:graphcast.TaskConfig):
predictor = graphcast.GraphCast(model_config, task_config)
predictor = casting.Bfloat16Cast(predictor)
predictor = normalization.InputsAndResiduals(predictor, diffs_stddev_by_level = diffs_stddev_by_level, mean_by_level = mean_by_level, stddev_by_level = stddev_by_level)
predictor = autoregressive.Predictor(predictor, gradient_checkpointing = True)
return predictor
def run_forward(model_config, task_config, inputs, targets_template, forcings):
predictor = construct_wrapped_graphcast(model_config, task_config)
return predictor(inputs, targets_template = targets_template, forcings = forcings)
def with_configs(fn):
return functools.partial(fn, model_config = model_config, task_config = task_config)
def with_params(fn):
return functools.partial(fn, params = params, state = state)
def drop_state(fn):
return lambda **kw: fn(**kw)[0]
run_forward_jitted = drop_state(with_params(jax.jit(with_configs(run_forward.apply))))
class Predictor:
def predict(cls, inputs, targets, forcings) -> xarray.Dataset:
predictions = rollout.chunked_prediction(run_forward_jitted, rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0), inputs = inputs, targets_template = targets, forcings = forcings)
return predictions
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The code for creating inputs, targets, forcings & processing will be here.
predictions = Predictor.predict(values['inputs'], values['targets'], values['forcings'])
predictions.to_dataframe().to_csv('predictions.csv', sep = ',')
- 创建输入、目标和forcings,
- 将上述数据处理为可行格式,最后
- 将它们组合在一起并进行预测。
- 在执行过程中,将所有流程整合在一起以实现无缝的实现很重要。
- 与其他天气预测服务相比,Graphcast效率更高,速度更快,在几分钟内为整个世界提供预测。
- 这使得通过API为数百个地理位置进行数百次调用变得多余。
- 然而,要在几分钟内完成上述操作,需要拥有一台非常强大的计算机,要么是Google TPU v4或更好。这并非易得。即使选择使用来自AWS、Google或Azure的虚拟机,成本也可能增加。
- 目前,没有规定可以使用小地理区域或坐标子集的数据并对其进行预测。始终需要所有坐标的数据。
- CDS提供的数据有5天的延迟期,这意味着在‘x’日期,CDS只能提供到‘x-5’日期的数据。这使得未来天气预测变得有些复杂,因为必须在进行未来预测之前覆盖延迟期。
祝您在数据科学的旅程中一切顺利,谢谢您的阅读 :)
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