
TensorFlow 2.X教程(三):从1.X到2.X的迁移指南

本文介绍怎么把TensorFlow 1.X代码迁移到2.X。

TensorFlow 2.X教程(二):TensorFlow 2.X和1.X的比较

本文介绍TensorFlow 2.X和TensorFlow 1.X的主要区别和改进点,帮助TensorFlow 1.X的用户快速了解TensorFlow 2.X的新特性。

TensorFlow 2.x教程(一):为什么要升级的2.X

本系列教程讲解TensorFlow 2.x的用法,希望帮助更多还在使用TensorFlow 1.x的读者尽快把知识”升级”到最新的2.x。本文是第一篇,主要介绍目前的深度学习框架竞争格局以及作为用户应该怎么选择。

Linux16.04 Build Cocos2d-x 3.x


本文介绍使用minikube安装单机测试Kubernetes集群,主要是解决因为墙带来的各种问题。为了让广大局域网用户用上k8s,minikube start还特地增加了image-mirror-country参数,咱终于享受到特供的待遇了。这里的Host系统是Ubuntu 16.04,其它系统请参考官方文档,需要翻墙或者设置mirror的地方可供参考。


本文介绍开放域(Open Domain)聊天机器人的最新进展。

TransformerGenerator: that ‘ s cool . what do you like to do in your spare time ? i like to read . TransformerGenerator: i like all kinds of books . i ‘ m a romantic , so i read a lot of fiction . TransformerGenerator: do you have any hobbies ? i ‘ ve got a car that i love to drive . TransformerGenerator: what kind of music do you listen to ? there are so many different kinds of music out there . TransformerGenerator: i like jazz as well . it ‘ s one of my favorites . what else do you enjoy ? [Human]: hi [Bot]: hi ! [Human]: what’s your favoriate sports? [Bot]: i don’t watch sports at all haha . [Human]: do you like pop music? [Bot]: i do like pop music [Human]: which singer do you like [Bot]: my favorite is kesha but im really into some pop artists as well . [Human]: which song do you like [Bot]: i like alot of different types of music , but right now im into like kesha’s “ I’m not here “ and some other songs by the same artist [Human]:

Huggingface Transformer教程

本文介绍Huggingface Transformer的用法。





